Senior female cashier scanning groceries of a customer at checkout counter in a supermarket, with a senior man pushing his shopping cart and waiting to pay for his groceries

7 Grocery Store Loyalty Program Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Grocery store loyalty programs have become an essential part of grocers’ business strategies. A loyalty rewards solution integrated with grocery store software helps grocers compete with stores selling lower-priced private label brands and big box stores that evolved into supermarkets. A well-designed loyalty program increases basket sizes, strengthens customer relationships, and incentivizes future purchases. However,…

Couple with bank card buying food at grocery store or supermarket self-checkout

Punto de venta en tiendas de comestibles y tendencias operativas: Cómo mantenerse a lavanguardia

Independent grocers facing challenges related to the industry’s digital transformation received valuable insights at the 2024 NGA Show. Attendees had the opportunity to learn about a range of topics, from current trends and opportunities for growth to tips for successful grocery store POS and back-office technology implementation.  Our picks for the top six takeaways from…