Pharmacy POS Software

Industry-Specific Tools for Compliance, Accuracy, and CX

Accurately tracking a large, diverse inventory requires a purpose-built pharmacy POS system. LOC is designed with best practices and business logic for meaningful reporting and insights that help you effectively run your pharmacy. Now, with LOC delivered via the cloud, you can monitor business performance anywhere on any device and streamline enterprise management. Easily configure screens, receive error reports and messages, and enforce security for all stores from a single location. Furthermore, LOC recognizes the importance of prioritizing customer experiences, particularly when they need pharmacy services to support healthcare. LOC allows you to engage with customers in-store or online, offer payment choices, and reward loyalty to enhance experiences.

Pharmacy POS Software

Discover How LOC’s Pharmacy POS Software Simplifies Complexity

Whether you’re ready to implement a new POS system for your pharmacy or just gathering information about your options, discover how we can provide the integrated solutions you need.

Create a Customer-Centric Operation with LOC Software

Ensuring the products your customers need are in stock when needed, and information is readily available is pivotal to your pharmacy’s success. LOC pharmacy POS software has the options you need to enhance your operation.

LOC offers the most flexible and robust inventory management systems available to pharmacies. It allows you to track high-volume, high-turnover, and regulated products to ensure adequate stock and minimal shrink. ThriVersA Supply Chain also fully integrates with our pharmacy POS system and back-office for real-time visibility into your business.

LOC allows pharmacies to use one solution to manage over-the-counter, pharmacy, and general merchandise sales. This specialized, cost-effective module allows you to order, track, and manage all inventory accurately and compliantly. It also ensures that experiences aren’t disjointed for customers picking up prescriptions and purchasing other items.

LOC Software integrates with pharmacy solutions from leading providers, like McKesson, Cerner, and PrimeRx, to ensure accuracy and compliance with federal regulations. Easily track PSE and other regulated substances and automate reporting and compliance requirements within the point of sale and back-office system.

LOC’s Real-World Impact

The biggest advantage is accessing accurate data quickly.

— Pete’s Fresh Market

Create a Total Solution for Your Business

LOC knows you need more than customer-facing software or a robust back office system. You need both. LOC allows you to create a comprehensive pharmacy point of sale system tailored to your business processes.

Start Streamlining Your Pharmacy Store Operations

LOC’s team has decades of experience providing retail management solutions to pharmacies throughout North America. Discover how our software gives your business a competitive edge.